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added: 06-09-2011

CME Group, the world's leading and most diverse derivatives marketplace, announced August volume averaged an all-time record 17.1 million contracts per day, up 46 percent from August 2010, and up 35 percent sequentially. Total volume for August was 393 million contracts, of which 84 percent was traded electronically. August 2011 month-end open interest reached 100 million contracts, up 7 percent from the same period last year.

added: 09-03-2011

London Stock Exchange Group (LSE.L) sits at the heart of the world’s financial community, offering international business unrivalled access to Europe’s capital markets. In February a total of 25.4 million trades were carried out across the Group’s electronic equity order books with a combined value of £191.3 billion (€226.1 billion), up eight per cent on February 2010 (£177.8 billion).

added: 22-12-2010

Despite the general weakness in new construction due to the global recession, one building-related field has continued to grow: retrofits tied to improving the efficiency of facilities. A number of factors have been driving this growth, including the need to improve the energy performance of buildings for cost savings as well as the desire to obtain green building certification. A new white paper from Pike Research identifies 10 key trends that are having a strong influence on the worldwide building industry.

added: 05-08-2010

As 2010 surpassed its half-way mark, just 50 percent of online investors said they believe the S&P 500 index will rise between 5-20 percent by year-end, down from 71 percent just three months ago, according to a late July survey of more than 300 investors conducted by online broker TradeKing (

added: 26-03-2010

The Committee on Capital Markets Regulation, an independent and nonpartisan research organization dedicated to improving the regulation and enhancing the competitiveness of U.S. capital markets, said that year-end 2009 data presents evidence of mild improvement in the competitiveness of U.S. public equity markets.

added: 16-02-2010

The average daily value traded across London Stock Exchange Group’s equity markets during January increased 14 per cent year on year to £7.1 billion (€8.0 billion). The average daily number of trades was 831,892, six per cent lower than January 2009.

added: 16-02-2010

NYSE Euronext announced trading volumes for its global derivatives and cash equities exchanges for January 2010. Derivatives trading volumes in January 2010 were stronger, with European derivatives volumes increasing 32.4% and U.S. options trading volumes increasing 102.4% versus prior year. Cash equities trading volumes were mixed in January 2010, with European cash transactions increasing 4.1% and U.S. cash equities trading volumes declining 23.7% from prior year levels, respectively. Both European and U.S. cash trading volumes, however, increased from fourth quarter 2009 levels.

added: 08-12-2009

A total of 16.4 million equity trades with a combined value of £149.0 billion (€165.7 billion) were carried out across the electronic order books of London Stock Exchange Group during November. The average daily number of trades was 781,875, 21 per cent lower than November 2008, while the average daily value traded was £7.1 billion (€7.9billion), a decrease of seven per cent on the same month last year.

added: 07-09-2009

NYSE Euronext announced trading volumes for its global cash equities and derivatives exchanges for August 2009 . Trading volumes in August generally rebounded from July levels resulting in year-over-year increases across all trading venues with European cash and derivatives volume up 5.3% and 15.9%, respectively, and U.S. cash and derivatives volume up 6.4% and 66.9%, respectively.

added: 18-08-2009

Results from the Employee Ownership Foundation's 18th Annual ESOP Economic Performance Survey show that 88.5% of ESOP companies outperformed the stock market in 2008. The results indicate respondents' companies outperformed three major stock indices in 2008 including the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the NASDAQ Composite, and the S&P 500.

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